
We have a massive collection of Anniversarys and Double-Vinyls and Vinyls for home delivery from Vinyl Records Manchester. Auto Filter your results by the musician/artist to find the Anniversarys and Double-Vinyls and Vinyl you are looking for.

Double vinyl refers to a vinyl record release that spans two discs instead of the traditional single disc. In other words, it’s a double LP (Long Play) album. Double vinyl releases are typically used for albums that contain a large amount of music content, often exceeding the capacity of a single LP.

There are several reasons why an album might be released as a double vinyl:

1. **Length of the Album**: Some albums have a longer duration due to a higher number of tracks or longer individual song lengths. Releasing these albums as double vinyl allows for better sound quality and prevents the need for excessive compression or cutting down on tracks to fit onto a single disc.

2. **Sound Quality**: Vinyl records have a maximum amount of audio that can be effectively pressed onto each side without sacrificing sound quality. By spreading the content across two discs, the music can be pressed with greater fidelity, resulting in better overall sound quality.

3. **Artistic Expression**: Some artists intentionally choose to release their albums as double vinyl to enhance the overall listening experience. The division of the album into two discs may correspond to thematic or conceptual breaks within the music, creating a more immersive journey for the listener.

4. **Collector’s Appeal**: Double vinyl releases are often seen as collector’s items and can have added value for vinyl enthusiasts and collectors. The larger packaging and additional discs contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal and desirability of the album.

Overall, double vinyl releases offer a unique and immersive way to experience an album, providing enhanced sound quality and an opportunity for artists to fully realize their creative vision.

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